• Product Placement for television shows and movies

Grab the Attention of Billions When They See Your Product in a Blockbuster Movie

Image courtesy of Lionsgate Studios

The ring you see being worn in this poster for one of the highest grossing films of all time, Hunger Games: Catching Fire, belongs to jewelry artist Claudio Pino, as did every other ring worn by Stanley Tucci’s character throughout the blockbuster film. With this one coup The PR Advisor achieved for Claudio using product placement, he has since taken this platform we engineered as launchpad to becoming a global sensation. He’s been invited for solo and group exhibitions of his jewelry around the world, with his rings displayed in museums including the Carnegie Art Museum and the Forbes Galleries. 

It’s been over a decade since Claudio achieved the mother of all publicity — getting his product seen by billions of people — yet he continues to have a backlog of customer demand for his one-of-a-kind creations.

We achieved this life-changing opportunity for him without his paying the studios a dime. 

How would your business, your life, change if you got one of your products into a blockbuster film seen by billions of people around the world?

Do you want to know how to make this happen for yourself?


We’ll let Claudio tell you how his business changed —

JCK: What kind of feedback have you received since your ring appeared on the Tucci poster?

CP: The outcomes are amazing! Since the posters of Caesar Flickerman went out, I received more than 100 emails. A few have been asking me for custom rings in the same spirit of the one selected for this character. Hunger Games is certainly a big hit, which implies so many real fans of this spectacular story by Suzanne Collins.

Read the rest of the interview with JCK Magazine. 

take this course


Small Business Owner

Gain exposure for your fashion lifestyle products on a limited budget.

Fashion & Accessories Brand

Showcase your lifestyle products in movies and get your products  globally recognized.

Startup or Emerging Brand

Gain global recognition and establish a strong market presence.

E-commerce Business Owner

Leverage the prestige of movie product placement to increase site traffic.

Product Manager

Explore this unconventional marketing strategy to increase your brand visibility and product appeal.

Digital Marketing Specialist

Diversify your expertise by integrating non-traditional marketing channels like product placement into your recommendations.

PR Professional

Advise clients on creative ways to integrate products into the film and television industry to maximize brand exposure.

Brand Strategist

Incorporate product placement tactics into your brand development strategies to align with overall marketing goals.


A Zero-Cost Product Placement Strategy

Learn to get your lifestyle products showcased in movies without spending a single penny on placement fees and maximize your brand exposure at no extra cost.

Exclusive Industry Insider Insights

Gain access to behind-the-scenes knowledge and tactics to secure prime movie or tv placement and elevate your brand.

Proven Techniques for Blockbuster Visibility

Discover tried-and-tested methods that have propelled our clients to the big screen, allowing you to capture the attention of a massive audience and drive sales.

Tailored Guidance for Your Brand

Discover strategies  to ensure your product seamlessly fits into movie and television scripts, aligning with your brand identity and resonating with viewers.

Comprehensive Training

Get comprehensive training, covering everything from approaching decision makers to maximizing product exposure, equipping you with skills to succeed in your product placement strategy development.

Accelerated Brand Growth

Fast-track your brand’s growth by tapping into the power of movie and TV product placement, boosting awareness, credibility, and ultimately, your bottom line.

Influence Audiences Globally

Learn how to leverage movie placements to reach a worldwide audience, making your products known on an international scale and expanding your market reach.

Ongoing Support and Networking

Enjoy continuous support, networking opportunities, and access to The PR Advisor’s community of like-minded entrepreneurs and experts, fostering collaborations and long-term success.

If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing your creations worn by characters in movies or TV shows, this course will show you how to make that dream a reality.

THE BEGINNING: Unlocking Product Placement Secrets

  • The Impactful Art of Product Placement
    Explore how a single product placement venture propelled Claudio Pino to international fame, flooding him with commissions and recognition. You’ll learn the concept and profound influence of product placement, and its transformative power for your success.
  • Decoding Product Placement
    Delve into the definition of product placement, an untraditional yet highly impactful strategy to get your fashion products seen by the largest audience possible.

  • Collaborating with Decision Makers: The X-Factor
    Unveil the magical strategy of successful product placement sans a financial investment, revolving around collaboration with the right decision maker.
  • Nurturing Successful Partnerships with Decision Makers
    Learn how to present your brand’s products to decision makers, emphasizing their seamless alignment with specific characters.

THE MIDDLE: Identifying Perfect Placement Opportunities

  • Analyzing Existing TV Shows and Movies
    Learn how to draw parallels between the styles of characters in popular shows and films and your own collection so you can immediately spot potential synergies.
  • Identifying Decision Makers Through Research
    Discover how to locate decision maker’s names and contact information for any TV show or movie.
  • Reaching Out to Decision Makers
    Learn the art of reaching out to decision makers to explore product placement opportunities. Understand the importance of timing and the nuances of identifying active team members currently working on a production.
  • Crafting Effective Contact Emails
    Master the craft of creating persuasive and professional email messages tailored to decision makers. Gain insights into the process of reaching out to agents or direct contacts, complete with real-life examples to guide you.

THE FINALE:  Navigating Pre-Production and Post-Placement

  • Harnessing the Industry Pulse
    Learn how to uncover insights from industry publications and master the skill of spotting product placement openings through movie greenlights and casting revelations. Recognize how to target TV shows on hiatus or movies in pre-production for prime opportunities to engage decision makers before final choices have been made.
  • Safeguarding Your Collection
    Learn what guarantees you can request to ensure your products are returned and in good condition.  You’ll receive sample purchase orders you can use to tailor to your specific needs.
  • Collaborative Synergy with Decision Makers
    Discover how to cultivate a collaborative alliance with decision makers, heeding their directives and preferences while sidestepping common pitfalls to foster a mutually beneficial professional relationship.
  • Celebrating Post-Placement Success
    Wrap up with insider tips on building professional relationships with press who can amplify your product placement success so the world knows it was your collection featured on the characters.


Lilian M Raji

Industry expert Lilian M Raji, The PR Advisor, is here to guide you every step of the way. This course will teach you everything she’s learned securing product placement success for dozens of clients while saving you from the trials and tribulations she’s encountered. 

Experience and Achievements

With an impressive track record, The PR Advisor has a proven ability to guide luxury brands to success. From re-introducing S.T. Dupont to the U.S. market to handling the press launch of WatchBox after securing $100 million in funding, her strategic counsel has consistently garnered widespread media attention for her clients. Her expertise extends to diverse industries, including luxury watches, fine jewelry, high-end fashion, luxury hotels, and more.

Insights from Luxury Retail

Drawing on her early career experience at Tourneau, the largest luxury watch retailer globally, The PR Advisor’s insights into consumer behavior and marketing strategies are invaluable. As a top sales producer for renowned brands like Dubey & Schaldenbrand, she witnessed firsthand the power of effective marketing campaigns in driving consumer preferences.

International Influence

The PR Advisor’s influence extends beyond the U.S. borders, having advised esteemed French luxury manufacturers and played a key role in introducing Quebec’s jewelry artists to the U.S. market. Her work with the Foundation for Gender Equality and UN Women demonstrates her commitment to social causes, further enriching her professional repertoire.

A Global Clientele

From small luxury businesses to global luxury brands, The PR Advisor has earned the trust of clients worldwide. Her agency’s client roster includes fine jewelry designers, luxury watch brands, high-end fashion houses, and luxury hotels, among other premium consumer goods and services providers.

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Lilian M Raji_The PR Advisor

Bonus 1

One-On-One with The PR Advisor

We want you to get the most out of your investment in this course! That’s why we’re giving you a 20-minute call with Lilian Raji, The PR Advisor herself, for her to answer any questions that come up for you as you take this course. A $250 value, all yours complimentary to ensure you’re not left hanging once you’ve finished your training.

Bonus 2

The Deep Dive Beyond the Course

Completing the video course is only the beginning.  In addition to the knowledge this course will empower within you, you will also receive weekly emails for 11 weeks designed to deepen your understanding and application of everything you’ll learn from this course. Each email is meticulously crafted to offer you practical insights, advanced strategies, and additional insider tips — delivered directly into your inbox and accompanied by invaluable templates, guides, checklists and more — to help you get ready for your close up.

product placement alerts
sample loan agreement

Bonus 3

Sample Loan Agreement

Safeguard your products when you secure that lucrative product placement opportunity with our Sample Loan Agreement. This legal document spells out terms for which you’re providing products for the movie or television show to ensure your only investment in your new relationship is the time for which your products will be away from you during filming. This comes free with your training!

Bonus 4

Product Placement Opportunities Alert

This training course will show you exactly how The PR Advisor finds opportunities for her clients, including how to identify the decision makers. But we’re not going to leave you high and dry after you finish your training! For six months after you complete the course, you will be added to an exclusive email list that will alert you monthly of new movie and television show opportunities coming up, along with the name and details of the decision maker you should contact.  This newsletter represents hours of work that we will save you, a value of $1,600 every month — yours as part of completing the training!

product placement email series
the pr advisor private society

Bonus 5

An Invitation to Join
The Private Society & Advisory Salon

Once you make your investment into this training, we’re with you for the long term.  That’s why your enrollment makes you eligible to join The PR Advisor Private Society, a community of entrepreneurs and business professionals like yourself determined to excel in their field. Through the Private Society, you will have access to the Advisory Salon, an exclusive monthly livestream gathering led by The PR Advisor herself, Lilian Raji, designed to foster a direct and personal connection between you and the community. You’ll be able to seek advice, gain insights, and discuss relevant topics in a structured and intimate setting.  And as a member of the society, you will receive early access to updates, new courses and any additional content we add. 

Bonus 6

Lifetime Access

Our promise is simple yet powerful: lifetime access to an ever-evolving wealth of knowledge. We  frequently update the course with fresh, relevant content, ensuring you stay at the forefront of your field. This means your investment in knowledge doesn’t stop here—it keeps growing. Stay ahead of the curve by accessing cutting-edge insights, the latest techniques, and expert advice, all conveniently delivered to your fingertips on a regular basis.

Stay ahead, stay informed, and thrive. Join us and invest in a lifetime of learning and success. Your journey to continuous growth begins today.


Bonus 7

Preferential Pricing for Future Engagements

Your first purchase with The PR Advisor is the last for which you pay full price. All future purchases will now come with a 10% discount. Ready to get all three trainings now? You’ll receive an immediate 25% discount for this and the other two courses — AND – your 20 minute call with The PR Advisor will be upgraded to 90 minutes! That’s a $1,000 value! Complete the form to be emailed immediately your discount code. 

special promotions

We understand the value of flexibility when it comes to investing in your company’s future.

That’s why we’ve gone the extra mile to provide you with an array of payment options, ensuring that your journey towards success is as convenient as possible.

In addition to widely accepted credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and more, we offer you the opportunity to tailor your investment with payment options provided by PayPal Pay Later, Affirm and Afterpay.

Your company’s journey towards success is also our own. Let’s walk it together. Enroll in this course with us today.

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Product placement is when a company works with producers of a television show or movie to have their products featured in the production.  It’s done in a way that seems natural to the script so only marketing people are ever fully aware that the choice of jewelry or watch or even television set in a movie or show was made through a financial arrangement.  Having your product featured in a blockbuster film or hit television show is the best marketing strategy to have the largest audience possible see your items.  When done correctly, it can catapult a business to global recognition. 

The PR Advisor, Lilian Raji, has worked with dozens of clients to have their products worn by major characters in television shows and movies with clients only ever paying her agency for the opportunity.  This course goes behind the scenes of how The PR Advisor has made these deals happen, virtually holding your hand as she walks you step-by-step through every action she takes to achieve success.  By following The PR Advisor’s exact method, you will be able to see your product on the big — or little — screen and get a worldwide audience to know your name.

This course is suitable for all sizes, but not necessarily all industries. You will find the greatest value if your end goal is to get fashion lifestyle products placed in a movie or television show. There is another parallel strategy known as product integration, which is suitable for all industries.  This, however, requires payment to production studios and is not covered fully within this course.  This course focuses exclusively on product placement for fashion lifestyle products without your paying a dime for the opportunity.

Absolutely not! The PR Advisor knew what you knew now when she started, but years of experience and much trial and error has given her the expertise she now shares with you in this course.  She did all of the hard work so you don’t have to!

The course is a concise 40 minutes.  But don’t let this timeline fool you.  You’re going to finish the course feeling confident in what steps you should take first, second and third! As for when your products may appear in a movie or TV show, that is entirely up to how well you follow the detailed instructions shared within this course and what opportunities you are able to find and successfully pursue. Once you’re in, however, movies can take upwards of a year between post production and release date.  The course will give you more detail on this, as well as the complicated ways television shows work. 

While any consumer product industry can benefit from product placement, fashion and accessories companies will see the most success. The nature of product placement using the PR Advisor’s methods focuses on dressing and accessorizing movie and TV show characters without paying for the opportunity. If you offer products that can’t be worn, this course will not provide you access into this lucrative strategy.  However, if you produce clothing, shoes, jewelry, watches, handbags, hats, scarves and other lifestyle accessories, enroll in this course immediately!

Nope! Absolutely not! This course is about teaching you how to get your products placed without payment. If you go to filmmakers and production companies, you will definitely have to pay something! Our method shows you how to find the right decision maker who needs your products to do their job, hence the reason they are willing to give you the chance for free.

We want you to! The course comes with a 20 minute call with The PR Advisor herself to answer your most pressing questions. We will also be launching monthly office hours in early 2024 where you can continue connecting with The PR Advisor and sharing your journey with her.

You receive lifetime access to this course to take over and over again — including access to any updates or additions we make as we tweak the material to better meet feedback. If,  however, within the first 30 days of taking this course and applying all the techniques you’ve been taught, you find that the course doesn’t meet your expectations, simply contact our support team, and we’ll process your refund in full, in accordance with our refund policy. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Still have questions? Send us an email!

3 + 3 = ?

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